
Abdullah's homepage


My Stack

I’m using cloudflare registrar for all my compatible domains because of at-cost renewals, minimising domain costs.

Then DNS with cloudflare as well.

Hugo as the static site generator, and the content being on Github.

Images are on cloudinary - free account. They offer url based image transformations, enabling responsive images etc. So every image is just needed uploaded once, and theres some config within hugo to build the url to fetch the proper image. My hugo config has 5? or so image sizes to cater to device sizes.

Harry Cresswell has amazing content on how to do exactly this - responsive images and next-gen formats with Hugo on his blog. He also offers his expertise as a service and I’m a happy customer.

Then with the cloudflare pages, the website is built. Every github commit triggers a deployment and in case of failure, the last successful one stands, yay!

Thanks to the cloudflare pages & cloudflare DNS compatibility, I can point arbitrary number of domains to the same place.

Within github, all links are relative.

https://muhendisrehberi.com/mailings/ etc simply serve the same content.

So my posting workflow is just to compose article in md, get the cloudinary permalink url of any images to add with the img tag. Then commit to the repo.

New content live very quickly, <10s? as the github site is built only with text, images being externally served.

My reason for going here is that I want to be able to own all my content with many .md files + one images folder.

Easy to manage backup migrate etc.

Tech Without Big Tech

I believe in sharing data, information and knowledge, but not private data. This is an outline of my solution to keeping the tech in my life while keeping big tech out.

The table below is a good summary of the entire post, scroll down for details and links for each. This post is more about how, and less about why.

Güvenli Yapı Üretimi

6 Şubat depremleri ile pek çok insanımızı kaybettik. Hissettiğimiz acıyı artıran bir gerçek ise şuydu: can kayıpların tamamı önlenebilir, diğer zararlar da önemli ölçüde azaltılabilirdi.

Japonya ve Şili gibi ülkeler, yeryüzünün en şiddetli depremleriyle yaşamanın mümkün olduğunun, insanlığın depreme karşı çaresiz olmadığının kanıtı.

Deprem ülkesi Türkiye’de bir sonraki yıkıcı depreme geri sayım başlamış iken, elimizdeki imkanları başta can olmak üzere tüm kayıpları önlemeye yönlendirmeliyiz.